
181 Movie Reviews

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Pretty Good...

Dude, you made one decent flash there. These lock flashes never get old, I love them. You had really good graphics and the tweening was pretty smooth. The appearence from Wade was pretty funny also. I hope that you make another one soon. Good luck dude.

Great Work...

I see that Lepo is back, and this time in the snow. I laughed a little when the snowman attacked the kid. The graphics were good, and the animation was also, and the originality is what made it a good flash in my opinion. Great work on this one, I hope that Lepo's adventures dont stop.

Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks Onic51346 for the review. Glad you liked it. Considering that last time, Lepo was in the desert, I thought it would be nice if he tried a cooler place. Yeah, I'd like Lepo to experience lots of different situations, so there will definitely be more Lepo to come. :)

Wow Very Good,

I love these NG Jams that you guys do. This was one great collaberation if you ask me. The graphics where superb and the animation was quite smooth. The sound played in well, and it was quite entertaining. I hope you come out with another soon. Great Work.

Nice Work...

Well, that is somthing that I thought that I would never see. A claymation inside of a claymation. Well I must say that it worked. Probably one of the funniest clay movies that you have done. I hope that you make another soon. Good luck dude.

Very Nice...

That was a great flash. The graphics and animation were real good, the humor was great, and it had a good story line. I loved the part where you used the radio from Italy in counter strike and that you knifed it, that was so damn funny. I can't wait to see another.

Another Great One...

I was wondering when your 2nd Laslow show would come out, and here it is. I see that you changed some of the logos, on the show and on the trucks out the window, that is cool, it is still funny, and Laslows lips move with the soundtrack very well, I can't wait to see what surprises are in store for the next one.

Very Funny...

That was a great idea you had to take the Laslow show off of Grand Theft Auto and to put it into a flash. I like how you have the animated cars driving by outside of the window, and all of the ingame posters and stuff. Good work dude, hope to see another.

Pretty Good...

Not to shabby, this flash was pretty good and had some good humor in it. The fish were made very well, and the lighting worked great in the dark water. Also the animation was very good and smooth. Good luck with your next one.

SeizureDog responds:

Thank you. I constantly keep getting better. I just hope someday I'll be good enough to make the top 5 everytime ;)

When life gives you lemons...just shutup and eat the damn lemons. :D

Age 39, Male



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